Hello everyone! A few updates to pass on!
First off: Mosaic Work Crews are on the property during the week, therefore there is no shooting. Please be aware of industrial traffic on the road in and out of camp and workers working down beyond the Pit/behind the pistol trail. Industrial Traffic has the right-of-way! Drive carefully and expect the unexpected.
Second: As of October 27th at 12:00pm, the Fire Ban for the Coastal Fire Center has been lifted! Campfires are now permitted, please keep water nearby just in case however.
Third: Rendezvous is coming! There will be a Work Bee on October 1st to get ready for the long weekend. There is also a General Meeting that day. Things kick off at 10:00am.
Finally, remember that camps must be taken down and units off the property by October 31st at the latest as per our most recent land use agreement. Please ensure your area is cleaned up and out by this day.
